1980 at the family home in Villa Park.On Peter’s Austin apartment balcony in 1982.Marshall and Elaine being announced at Pete and Kim’s wedding reception.Dancing with his new daughter-in-law, Kimberlie Bollman Squier (Peter’s wife)From top left: Peter, Kimberlie, Marshall’s mother Alma, Marshall’s father; front row from left: Elaine & MarshallLeft alone with the twins, Marshall quickly broke out the cards, Old Styles, and cigarettes and tried to teach the twins how to have fun :).Baby Jack.Marshall made sure his grandkids were appropriately dressed. On the way to a Cubs game in a limousine provided by Marshall.Celebrating Christmas in Naples.Marshall spent many Christmases with Peter’s family in Austin.Marshall sprung for a family trip to Puerto Vallarta where we had a compound to ourselves. Peter with Elaine and Marshall in the summer of 2019.